Monday, January 05, 2009

RKSP Certification

We got hammered with snow a couple weekends ago from two different storms - the first ones of the season, blah!

These storms allowed me to work on and towards obtaining my "RKSP certification".

What is "RKSP certification" you ask? Well, it is the Ralph Kindred Snow Plowing certification.

I tagged along with my neighbor (RK) as he tended to and plowed out his 13+ customers during the storms. My neighbor (RK) asked if I was interested in being his backup in the event he's away on business and we're hit with a snow storm.

Step #1 - learning the route, the driveways and snow placement. Step #2 - getting accustomed to driving a Ford F350 PU sporting a 700lb snow plow and Step #3 - not hitting or mangling anything or anyone in the process.

Snow plowing anyone?!?!

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