Sunday, June 03, 2012

I Spy With My Little Eye

Friday night, when looking out the back windows, and much to my surprise, I caught a glimpse of my nemesis - a woodchuck!  This lady had made her way from the neighbors yard where they've been living (under their shed) and was sneaking around the backside of the chicken pen and along the wooded overgrowth.  She didn't stay long and nervously scooted back to where she came.

There was only one thing for me to do and that was to go on the offense.  After all I didn't want to sit and wait for her get up the courage to visit our gardens and eat it to the ground.  So, I pulled the trap out of storage and set it using a hunk of lettuce that I tied to the paddle that triggers the trap doors.  Well, VERY much to my surprise I awoke to this lady snared in the trap on Saturday morning!

Stephan = 1 and woodchuck = 0

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