Friday, July 31, 2015

Nighty Night

The Americana chicks are now almost four months old.  Hopefully they begin laying in another month or two.  In the mean time they decided to change their sleep location.  Up until the other evening I've had to go out each night after dark and move them from along the pen fence and put them in the crate.  If a critter came a calling during the night they'd have no problem reaching through the fence and getting a hold on a chick.

However, the other night when I went out to put them to bed I could only find one of the three.  A sudden panic began to creep in until I looked up.  Low and behold two of the little ladies somehow decided that roosting atop the pen fence was better.  Perhaps they're right because a coon or fox will be unable to reach them, however, an owl or hawk would have little problem.

So until I can move them in with the adults, nightly trips to put them to bed are in order.

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