Monday, June 04, 2007

Black Swallowtail - UPDATE

See my posting of Tuesday, September 26, 2006 titled Eastern Black Swallowtail for the beginning of this story.

The Eastern Black Swallowtail butterfly finally hatched; the chrysalis stage lasted a couple days over 8 months, WOW! Here is the finished product - a beautiful female Eastern Black Swallowtail butterfly, AMAZING!

Stage 4:

A male of this species has a yellow band near edge of wings; a female has row of yellow spots. The hindwing of the female has an iridescent blue band (Males have very little blue and more yellow).

Emilie is eager to let her go and now that the rain has stopped today is the day. We hope she chooses to stick around and stay close. We'll be planting some Fennel and Parsley in our butterfly garden in the coming days, which are favorites of this species of butterfly - some enticement to stick around.

You can see the difference between a male and female Eastern Black Swallowtail at the following location - Quick ID: Butterflies and Moths.

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