What kind of bird egg is it?
While walking during lunch the other day I came across this tiny blue, spotted bird egg sitting on the curb-side. Although the above picture isn't the greatest - believe it or not the paper I used for the background is white even though it looks more blueish, it does illustrate the eggs size. I placed it beside the egg of a standard Black Sex-Link chicken.In the picture below it's beside a dime. As you can see the egg is quite small. I am having a difficult time trying to identify the type of bird this egg belongs to. I could use your assistance. There's a lollipop in it for you...

Not sure about the egg, but check out this site for a possibility: http://www.enaturalist.org/question/3744 .
Thanks for the information I will check it out!
http://www.enaturalist.org - great site, good information and very helpful. They identified my mystery egg...
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