Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Garden Winter Prep

Allium California Soft Neck - Jumbo garlic

I finally found the time to plant my garlic - Allium California Soft Neck - Jumbo garlic. I planted two rows of 18 cloves each for a total of 36 seeds. We'll have to wait till next growing season to see how they do but I have my fingers crossed and feel pretty good already.

I put my big garden to bed too - pulled and composted the remaining tomato plants and tomato’s, turned the soil, raked smooth and planted 3lbs of winter rye.

I also built another raised vegetable bed 4’ w x 8’ l x 10 t”, placed in line with the other two and filled it with a combination of compost, top soil, fresh chicken and rabbit droppings and mixed. This dude will be ready for planting come spring, however, not sure what the planting arrangements will be yet but there is plenty of time and it’ll come to me over the winter. Nighty night...

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