Saturday, October 24, 2009

Put to Bed (for the Winter)

Our gardens and yard have all been put to bed for the winter - night night...

New compost was added to each garden and tilled in. 12-days ago Emilie helped me sow 5lbs of Winter Rye in each, which has taken root and is already beginning to grow.

The closest bed above contains our strawberries. I mowed them down and weeded as best I could. Once the cold weather sets in I will be covering these berry plants with pine needles to help protect them during the winter. Removing them is one of the first order of business come late winter - well before the soil warms and the plants begin to grow.

We've also planted 3-rows, approximately 60-cloves, of California White Garlic (above), which have also begun growing and now stand about 3" tall. I've spread leaf and grass clippings on top of their bed to help protect them during the winter.

Think SPRING!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"I'm wearing two different shoes."

So, I'm sitting in my office (cubicle) yesterday feverishly working away on my computer when I sense someone come up behind me - it's Vlad.

He says, "Hi, what's up?"

I nod and say, "nuttin, same ole thing!" and keep on typing, which was then followed be a period of silence.

Vlad then voluntarily and out of the blue says, "I just realized I'm wearing two different shoes."

I fell on the floor laughing! One of the funniest things I've heard in a long while.

Once I composed myself I said, "that might be true, however, it's not something you should freely admit".

To his credit the shoes were the same make, model and color just one old and one new, so it wasn't too bad but hysterical just the same and par for the course in the life and times of Vlad...

Fun Fact

Fun Fact!

The phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is based in Greek mythology where apples were associated with the healing god Apollo.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Fun Fact

Fun Fact!

There are 90 days of fall so get out and enjoy it before winter hits.