Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chick Down...For A Nap!

So, the Buff Orpington chicks are coming along just fine. They're getting big and starting to feather out, so I've turned off their heat lamp. They'll be moved outside this weekend, finally! Each time I do something like this it reminds me of my mother and how much she had to endure with all the critters I'd bring home . I can't stand it myself, not sure why I still do it, although Emilie does enjoy it all, I'm leading towards some sort of addiction! Clearly, my mother was an angel!

Emilie is crazy about them and appears to have given them all names but not sure how she can tell one from another at this point. Although, we did mark two of them with a Sharpie; one red and one blue.

Don't be alarmed with the pictures below. The chick is not dead, she fine and simply out like a light sleeping. Emilie will fire up her computer, go to YouTube and play lullabies to put the chicks to sleep - it's the funniest thing!

See, out cold. Almost looks like a chicken sandwich, right, and making me hungry!

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