Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Vines Are Taking Over!

In keeping with the theme of seeds I started indoors this Spring, here are our Butternut squash plants.  I don't remember how many seeds I planted but (4) grew, which I transplanted outside when the weather was right.  Today, they're taking over this section of lawn but this was to be expected and fine with me, less grass to cut on a weekly basis.

In this jumble of creeping vines are a couple gourd plants, see first picture above.  I transplanted these plants out of the compost pile. They're last year's Halloween decorations that we composted and they reappeared in the Spring for another run at Halloween 2012.

From what I can tell, it looks like there are oodles and oodles of both butternut squash and gourds.  They're simply too massed together to be able to get in there for an accurate count. But that's fine and adds to the harvesting surprise come fall.

Now if I could just keep the vines from climbing the fence and the nearby shrub that would be nice.

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