Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Registration Era Comes to an End

I wrapped up the loose ends to the sale of my 1999 Ford F150 pickup the other afternoon by cancelling the plate with the registry of motor vehicles and removing it from our vehicle insurance coverage.

We're looking at quite the yearly savings by no longer having this dude on the road.  For example, no more registration fee, no more yearly vehicle inspections, no more yearly excise tax, no more repair costs (which were occurring more often), plus the saving on insurance.

All that being said, and sadly, the end of an era is upon us.  The license plate pictured above has been in use and on my vehicles for well over 20+ years.

I think it was about four years ago that I was told by one service station that he was not going to pass my truck's yearly inspection due to my license plate.  By state law, Massachusetts license plates must be readable from 60 feet away. Any green or red passenger plate, which has lost its reflective coating or paint or has been damaged, must be replaced.  As you can see it's in rough condition but New England weather will do that. However, since the process leaves much up to the discretion of the person performing the inspection, I simply went to a different station and never had an issue with the plate again but I did worry about it when inspection time was drawing near.

This plate will now adorn a spot over my basement work bench.

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