Friday, April 12, 2013

Do You Have A Cat?!

So, I've solved the cat litter box odor issue. You know, "that smell"!  The smell that the cat owners no longer detect since they're around it day in and day out.  However, believe you me, it's still there and it's detected immediately by all visitors.

Anyway, this issue has been resolved in our household.  If you were to come over you would have no idea that we own a cat and maintain a litter box, nope!

Are you ready for the secret?  Two words, "nursing rabbit"!

Yup, that's right simple bring a nursing mother rabbit with four kits into your basement and in NO time the cat litter odor is gone!  Ingenious right?!

Now, just need to solve the nursing rabbit smell that has taken over the basement, UGH.

Please feel free to use this technique if you're a cat owner, as well as passing this jewel of a tidbit onto others.

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