Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Crooked Toes, Ouch! - Update

Back in January 06, 2012 I wrote a blog entry titled, "Crooked Toes, Ouch!, which talked about a crooked toes Barred Rock rooster that I gave to my farmer friend Tim.
Well, here is an updated picture of, the now old man.  I went down for a quick and long overdue visit this past Sunday.  As you can see he is doing just fine, however, he does have a difficult time balancing on the roosts and tends to stay on the ground more.  He is very ornery and protective of his flock.  If you venture inside the pen you do so at your own risk for he will attach you.
Wish I could have a rooster or two at our place.  A flock of chickens is just not the same without one, alas...

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