Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Hiking We Will Go, A Hiking We Will Go!

Emilie and I took off yesterday morning and headed to the Blue Hills and the Trailside Museum in Canton, MA.
The museum really hasn't changed too much since I was Emilie's age.  Some of the animal enclosures have been updated, a couple new ones built but about the same.  The foxes and bobcats are no longer there and have been replaced with owls and turkey vultures.
We then checked the posted map, chose the red (moderate from a difficulty perspective) trail and off we went.  It wasn't long before Emilie attention turned to my wellbeing, perhaps due to the fact that I told her if I had a heart attach my cell phone was in my back pocket.  for the next ~5 minutes she checked on my constantly, the worry-wart that she is.
We made it to the top in short order, then climbed the old rock castle and took a bunch of pictures.  In the picture above you can clearly see the city of Boston.
We then made our way over to the ski slope, stopped for break some cookies and water then headed down the steep slope.
We had a great time!  I fondly remember my dad taking us there when we were kids and hiking the mountain.  It was wonderful to be able to relive those memory and at the same time create new ones with my daughter.  I am a lucky father!

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