Friday, August 02, 2013

Jake Perhaps?

Look who I came across this AM, "Jake the Snake"!
Much to my surprise for a couple of reasons: (1) in all the years that we've lived here this is like maybe the ~8th snake I've seen and (2) he was at the bottom of the deck stairs on the walkway, perhaps soaking in it's warmth, as it's overcast this morning.
As much as I loves snakes I have mixed emotions seeing this one and he was a pretty good size for a Garter Snake.  If push came to shove I think I'd rather have the toads and frogs we so often see through out yard and gardens and even the pool.  Jake here dines on toads and frogs, among other things, so you can understand my concerns.
Just the other day Emilie pulled a small frog from the pool and placed it pretty much in the same area as where this dude slithered off to, as well as a plump toad too.

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