Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I Already Don't Care For Our New Mail Carrier

We received the below "Your Mailbox Needs Attention" flyer in our mailbox the other day.  Apparently, after a year and a half of our mailbox being propped up next to the telephone pole it's now all of a sudden too far from the road.

Ironically, this issue coincides with the new postal carrier we now have.

You can see our mailbox propped up beside the telephone pole where it's been for over a year now.  It's also in a 5-gallon bucket since the post was snapped off by a Franklin town snowplow driver.

So, we don't have a choice but to move it out to the edge of the sidewalk where it'll once again become a target of the snowplows but also it becomes an object for walkers and sidewalk users to dance around.  Not to mention that it's an eyesore really.  However, we have NO plans to do anything about the latter since it's gonna take a beating out there next to the street anyway.

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