Monday, November 10, 2014

Homestead Officially Winterized!

Another busy weekend at the ole homestead!

The weather cooperated.  It was warm and beautiful!

I can officially state that the yard and outside is now 99.5% completed and winterized.

I took Emilie up on her offer to mow the front lawn.  Although, she was driven to rid the lawn of every single leaf, we both won!  She's a chip off the old block as you can see she's doing a terrific job.  Don't tell her but she'll regret this come next Spring and Summer...

The trailer has been moved down back, filled with lawn furniture and covered with a brandy new tarp for the long winter ahead.

The next project on my list is to clean my side of the garage in an effort to fit my car.  There's gonna be a lot of stacking taking place but rest assured I will be parking in there within the next couple of weeks.

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