Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lights Camera Action!

Ever since the days got shorter and the cold weather moved in our Buff Orpington hens have stopped laying eggs, alas.  As a part of this weather/season change they also went into a molt, which I believe they've completed or at least in the latter stages.
This year, and for the very first time, I bought the fix'ns and have installed a "night" light in the coop.  I'm using a timer to turn the light and extend their day light, which in turn should induce them to start laying again.
Last night was night number 1. 
One of the items I purchased for this experiment was a timer, which I've set to turn on at 4:00PM and then off at 10:00PM.  Hopefully, another ~6 hours of day light will stimulate them to begin laying again.  Stay tuned!

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