Sunday, December 30, 2012

Who's Watching Who?

Emilie was very excited to see her feline friend roaming in the neighbors back yard yesterday morning.  So much so that she bolted outside and called her over.  This cat is fond of Emilie and trotted right over.  Of course the treat that Emilie offers her certainly do help.
Wary and watching the entire process was a doe deer, circled in red.  There were actually two deer and up until the cat happened by, both were contently lying down.  However, the cat stirred them up and shortly thereafter they moved on their way.
So, I'm not sure who was watching who?  Me watching the deer.  The deer watching the cat. Emilie watching the cat.  Me watching Emilie calling the cat while also watching the deer watch the cat and Emilie, phew...

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