Friday, November 07, 2014

Halloween Trick or Treaters

The White Tailed Deer twins were out and about on Halloween eve around 5 o'clock.  They didn't seem to be bothered by the passing cars as they made their way from the neighbors yard, across our driveway stopping to nibble the flowers off of the mums, then up and into our front flower beds.  One appeared to have a specific hanker'n in mind as he made his way straight for the Holly bush, GRRRR.

Something spooked them, perhaps because it was Halloween, and off they went down back with their "white" tails high in the air.

It's enjoyable to have them visit and watch them but only when they behave and stay away from and out of our gardens.  Fortunately there isn't too much damage they can do at this time of the year, as most everything has gone dormant for the winter and has been cut back.

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