Saturday, December 10, 2022

80s Homemade Nativity Set

So, I finally pulled out, unwrapped, inventoried and washed the nativity set that my mother made at ceramic back in the mid 80s.  They've been in a cardboard box tucked away in the corner of my garage for many many years now; it was time and long overdue.

It was perfect timing and I now have them on display for the upcoming holidays.

Updated pic on 12-14 with a new Christmas colored table cloth -

Does anyone of my Tennessee relation recognize this beautiful angel from the early 70s?!?!

Here's a hint - 

I have this lovely lady sitting on my mantel, where she'll be staying all year long.

Unless one of my Tennessee cousins wants to come up for a visit and take her home with them...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that angel! 😇