Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vegatable Garden - Update

Our vegetable gardens have all been planted and we're now in maintenance mode - weeding, watering , tying and waiting for the seedlings to appear.

We've lost a couple lettuce plants, they just died not sure why, and a third one that's being nibbled on by something - rabbit I believe.

The tomato's are doing fantastic and growing like weeds. This picture doesn't show it but they've all been staked and tied. Actually they all need to be tied a second time already their growing so fast.

The Yukon Gold potatoes have yet to poke through the soil but should be any day now.

The carrots aren't fairing too well. They've poked through but many have disappeared - they're very tiny. Not sure if it's too hot for these tiny guys or too much water but we'll see what happens.

As you can see in this picture, the strawberry plants are doing fantastic with a ton of green berries. The second raised bed has both broccoli and kale plants - the broccoli are the larger plants. These guys are doing great too.

The peach tree is also loaded with tiny peaches and the raspberry plants are thick and full. We could use some rain and hope the critters leave everything alone.

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