There are always those purchases you make spur of the moment for items that you really don't need or that you'll seldom use and then there are the purchases you make for a certain item that, more than likely, you'll use once or maybe twice. However, in many cases these are invaluable, time saving, stress reducing and curse reducing items to have at your disposal.
I purchased one of these items for which I speak Friday night - a handle puller. The original plan was to buy it, open the package oh so carefully, use it and then return it for a full refund but I can't bring myself to return it - it's a keeper. A ten dollar investment with a better return than the stock market these days...
You see I attempted several times to remove the handle to my shower/tub, which is a key step in the process of replacing the worn rubber washers that were causing leakage and drippage. After all I'm on board with the whole "going green" thing aren't you so wasting water is bad and costly?! The handle simply would NOT come off regardless of what I tried - it just refused, wouldn't do it, wouldn't budge. Ah, but this stalemate came to an immediate and quick end once The Handle Puller was introduced - in a mere 15 seconds the handle was removed! With this road block taken care of I was able to complete the task of removing the handle guts and replacing the worn washers and wallah no more leaky leaky drippy drippy!
The Handle Puller will not be returned to the store but rather will remain with us in the unlikely event I need to remove another stubborn handle. It will be safely stored in my plumbing toolbox or better yet proudly hung on my shop peg board for all who pass by to see.
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