In Boston again yesterday to attended and complete day two of our training class. As usual I took the commuter rail in and again have found something else to complain about. Y'all aren't' surprised by this I hope.
Today's #1 complaint - lazy assholes and their wheeled bags! I'm not talking luggage here but rather small computer type bags that have built in handles and wheels. Now picture this, a commuter train pulls into South Station (the end of the line), stops and a gazillion people pile out and hit the platform and begin making their way, bumper-to-bumper like cattle, towards the station. Now picture a handful of lazy inconsiderate, misguided, dump-fucks who either don't care or who are completely oblivious that are puttering along pulling their bags behind them without a care in the world.
It's challenging enough to make this trek with nothing dragging behind you; often time people are walking in opposite directions, steel beams (roof supports), trash barrels and other obstacles in the way and in some areas a 4' drop off the platform. Now factor in these pricks with their wheeled bags in tow and you can see the problem of which I speak. C'mon now, are their bags really that heavy? If so, why? What can they possibly have in such a small bag that it requires wheels? I think NOT, rather these are useless, lazy, self absorbed pecker-heads! How bout they wait till the majority of people pass and then begin walking if they need such assistance.
I could go on and on and on; I have endless examples. The moral of the story is PEOPLE SUCK - that's all and have a nice day.
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