Of course prior to this issue I had NO clue about and had never heard of dog agits, have you? Thanks to Barbara that all changed... It's a relatively easy, straight forward and inexpensive fix that didn't take any longer than 10 minutes to do. F the Kenmore (Sears) repair man. We're in an economic crapper and can ill afford to pay for frivolous services like dog agit repairs.
The washer agitates now and presumably cleans our laundry better - I certainly look better. I'd be happy to document how to agitate, both dog agit replacement and in general agitation for anyone interested.

These are the replaced dog agits.
I'd be interesting. And how do you know that it was the bad dogs and not something else? Do they look worn out?
Hi David,
The agitator, which consists of two parts, no longer turned together when spun by hand. The top piece, where the fabric softener goes, could be spun clock and counter-clock wise, independent of the bottom piece.
This occurs when the dog agits are worn. After all they're only plastic.
Hope that helps...
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