There are only two types of bunnies welcome at the ole Lincoln Street homestead - our domestic bunnies and of course playboy bunnies! All others are forbidden, especially wild bunnies.
Operation Chipmunk 2007 was a huge success. No water boarding was required. The enemy has been eradicated with extreme prejudice.
Operation Woodchuck 2008 was also a success.
We're now facing another conflict (foe), dubbed Operation Hare 2009.
I usually spend a couple minutes looking out the bathroom window, into the backyard, each morning before my customary morning urination. This is typically a peaceful time to take in all the hard work we've done and occasionally catch a glimpse of an interesting backyard visitor, i.e. deer, fox, turkey, rabbits, etc. This morning, however, one of the many wild bunnies who visit regularly was up in one of our raised vegetable beds eating the newly sprouted beans, Ugh!
With a still full bladder, I threw on a pair of jeans and took off for the backyard. I chased the @$%!* rabbit off but the damage was already done. Our newly sprouted beans have been reduced to stems only, no leaves, Ugh! All of our hard work, time and energy, for not, eaten by an unwanted and uninvited pest. Ugh!
It's ironic that on one hand we have a litter of domestic bunnies that we're feeding by hand in an effort save and on the other hand my alter ego Carl Spackler is coming out.
Click the embedded link above for a Carl Spackler YouTube moment and read the Caddyshack movie excerpt below -
Sandy: I want you to kill every gophers on the golf course!
Carl Spackler: Correct me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers, they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key...
Sandy: Not golfers, you great fool! Gophers! The *little* *brown* *furry* *rodents* !
Carl Spackler: We can do that; we don't even have to have a reason. All right, let's do the same thing, but with gophers -!
Operation Chipmunk 2007 was a huge success. No water boarding was required. The enemy has been eradicated with extreme prejudice.
Operation Woodchuck 2008 was also a success.
We're now facing another conflict (foe), dubbed Operation Hare 2009.
I usually spend a couple minutes looking out the bathroom window, into the backyard, each morning before my customary morning urination. This is typically a peaceful time to take in all the hard work we've done and occasionally catch a glimpse of an interesting backyard visitor, i.e. deer, fox, turkey, rabbits, etc. This morning, however, one of the many wild bunnies who visit regularly was up in one of our raised vegetable beds eating the newly sprouted beans, Ugh!
With a still full bladder, I threw on a pair of jeans and took off for the backyard. I chased the @$%!* rabbit off but the damage was already done. Our newly sprouted beans have been reduced to stems only, no leaves, Ugh! All of our hard work, time and energy, for not, eaten by an unwanted and uninvited pest. Ugh!
It's ironic that on one hand we have a litter of domestic bunnies that we're feeding by hand in an effort save and on the other hand my alter ego Carl Spackler is coming out.
Click the embedded link above for a Carl Spackler YouTube moment and read the Caddyshack movie excerpt below -
Sandy: I want you to kill every gophers on the golf course!
Carl Spackler: Correct me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers, they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key...
Sandy: Not golfers, you great fool! Gophers! The *little* *brown* *furry* *rodents* !
Carl Spackler: We can do that; we don't even have to have a reason. All right, let's do the same thing, but with gophers -!
*Bugs Bunny
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