I have several potted tomato plants still hangin around. They are just now starting to show signs of late blight and will go in the trash come Monday. Otherwise, all the tomato plants I had in the garden are gone. I spent a couple hours this past weekend turning the soil where the plants were in an effort to make sure any and all tomato parts, i.e. leaves, tomato's and juices, are underground to compost and decay.
Come fall I will add some compost and turn the soil once again and finish off with a planting of winter rye. Then come spring time, I'll turn the soil once more. Hopefully, this will rid the garden of any signs or remnants of blight, so we can have some tomato success this time next year.
As you can see from the photo above there's an open void between the corn up top and the sunflowers down below, alas. I planted some zinnias, that we started from seed, in this area so it's not so empty, plus it'll add some color. It's almost time to pick some corn and the gold finch are enjoying the sunflowers.