I take pride in noticing outdoor animal plant type stuff, especially in and around our yard where I spend SO much time, a lot of it on my hands and knees. To jump to the conclusion that the deer were to blame and to not even consider that something or someone else was responsible for the damage, has me questioning my Chi - perhaps my Yin & Yang are outta sink...
As I made my way to shake the dew off my trouser lily this morning, I peaked out the windows and was SHOCKED to see a big, fat woodchuck sitting in amongst the kale and broccoli helping himself as if at an all you can eat buffet! You can see, in the first picture below, the damage he's done to the broccoli - eating the tops and tender new shoots off of each plant. It's possible but highly unlikely that I would be more understanding if the rodent ate one plant at a time but it infuriates me that he bebop's from one plant to another as he destroys them all, arrrrrrrrrrr!!
Broccoli and kale garden below. You can see the damage done to the broccoli - chewed and eaten, all of them. Apparently this pest doesn't care for kale but then again I don't blame him for that. Actually, I would prefer he eat the kale versus the broccoli, since I eat the broccoli and we grown the kale to feed our bunnies.

Here are two small pumpkins happily minding their own business and just growing. As you can see one of them has been attacked and eaten, almost in half - sunofabiach!

Here is the same pumpkin plant as above zoomed out some. As you can see from this photo a bunch of the leaves have been eaten off the vine. You shouldn't be able to see the orange flowers if all the leaves were still in place.

As Grouch Marx said in the 1933 movie Duck Soup and a line that Bugs Bunny 'borrowed' from this same movie and brought to fame, "Of course, you know, this means war!"
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