Care to take a guess at what caused the damage on the side of this house?
You might not be too surprised to learn what caused this but you might be when you hear the reason why!
Woodpeckers - woodpeckers are to blame. Yup, them cute little pecker-head-sum-bitches.
My first thought was that they were after something to eat; something like termites or ants or some other little insect, however, that's not the case.
The home owner made several calls in an effort to determine what caused this and why. One was to the local animal control officer, one was to an exterminator and one to Audubon.
It was Audubon that told her the reason was not to find food but rather an attempt to build a nest site. If you look close enough you'll notice that each hole was made directly under the over-hang of the shingle above, which is an indication of their intent - nest building versus feeding.
Interesting stuff!
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