"When the frost in on the punkin..."
Well, you can rest assured that the frost in on the punkin here in New England and then some, yikes!
As you can see our thermometer registered 9 degrees outside the other morning; Thursday (12/17). It was very cold and that was without the windchill, which lowered the temps to zero and below and it's only December. I'm fearful of what February has in store for us.
As luck would have it too (that dam Murphy's Law, I curse you) I was scheduled in the Boston office on this frigid day. I took the commuter rail into the city, which wasn't too bad, as far as the commuter rail goes. However, the walks to the train stations and to and from the office were incredibly cold I tell you. Especially in the city where the winds do some amazing things as it zips between the buildings.
Was that temperature reading taken from Westwood...It appears the indoor temp was only 61!
61 is overnight temp on the first floor here in Franklin. The programable thermostat had yet to kick in when the picture was taken.
Clearly you've not had the pleasure of visiting the Westwood abode. For if you had, you'd realize that 61 is the high temp and that only occurs in one room at a time and only after the electric heater has been running for close to an hour with the door closed.
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