Monday, January 04, 2010

Snow Cover Visitors

With the recent snow fall mother nature dumped on us you can get an idea of some of the visitors that pass by. It's easy to see where the blanket of snow cover is disturbed and who's lurking around -

Here is a single bird's foot prints, just hoping along -

This is a picture of the ground beneath the post holding our bird feeders, which are shadows. You can see that we've had a lot of birds looking for a bite to eat in just a short while -

These are squirrel foot prints. Yup, we still have some of these varmits around -

These tracks were made by a deer. They come across our front lawn, across both our driveway and the neighbors driveway, their front lawn and into the woods beyond their house. It's been a while since we've seen the deer but as these tracks show, they're still out there...

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