Here are the latest editions to the homestead menagerie.
These are supposed to be Lion-head rabbits but the jury is still out on that - I don't think so. They're also two males, uggh. However, they came with an indoor cage and a very nice outdoor hutch, feed, hay shavings, toys, dishes and supplies all for FREE, so how could we refuse.
However, they also came with baggage; the black one is a biter and got me good, real good. They're mounting and humping each other constantly and they're "sprayers"! Don't know what a sprayer is? Well good for you, you're lucky. Come on over and spend a couple minutes outside their cage oooing and ahhhing at how cute they are. Then get back to me, hehehe!
Spraying or scent marking is urine and it's something male rabbits often do. It's goes everywhere since the rabbit is usually jumping and turning when "going". So now imagine your outside their cage peering in oooing and ahhhing and BAM you get pissed on - NOT GOOD! This is a hormonally driven behavior that can be addressed by having the animal "fixed" but that's too expensive.
However, there is also another way to resolve this issue and I can assure you that if I get sprayed I WILL be applying this fix!
Anyway, they're NOT staying. They've only been here 4 days and already worn out their welcome. If interested, pet or pot, please let me know!
However, there is also another way to resolve this issue and I can assure you that if I get sprayed I WILL be applying this fix!
Anyway, they're NOT staying. They've only been here 4 days and already worn out their welcome. If interested, pet or pot, please let me know!
1 comment:
Bye Bye guys, it was funy while it lasted!!!!!
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