Is there some missing jean or chromosome that has these MD's needing to peel-out, spin their tires, supper rev their engines or ride/drive with glass shattering mufflers?! Does this excite them? Do you think the MD's sitting in their homes that hear this give thumbs up when this occurs? Do they cheer, yell ROT ROT ROT and pump their fists? I for one am NOT impressed, not in the slightest!
10:15PM when the MD on the motorcycle decides to punch it up the road - is that really necessary? Do you think they have any idea or clue, even a remote one, how that sounds to everyone in the area? Clearly they don't care how frustrating and annoying it is.
When one of these MD's drive by, especially in the evening when the kids are in bed, I cross my fingers and hope to hear a God awful CRASH up the road but no luck yet.
Of course this would be a very good opportunity to point out, and remind those who don't know, that we're forbidden to own a rooster in my town (town by-law) due to their noisiness, REALLY?!?! Ironic too that our town is/was a farming community.
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