We planted it and have left it alone and do not bring indoors come the fall. It's planted against the back of the house and I'm guessing the foundation keeps it protected enough from our harsh New England winters, as it happily reappears each summer.

And each year, along with the awesome flowers, the damaging Hibiscus Sawfly arrives too. You can see the damage that the larva inflict if left alone and uncontrolled, they'll decimate the foliage in short order.

Here is what the Hibiscus Sawfly larva looks like. With the exception of fertilizing our lawn, we do NOT use chemicals to control the bad insects that arrive each year and attack our vegetables and flowers. Instead, I hand pick or squash the offenders. Perhaps, it's not the most effective but it's certainly much safer. The chickens also win as they often times get to reap what I collect.

But alas with Fall upon us this beauty is shutting down and will soon be closing shop until next Spring, sleep tight.
P.S. Did you all notice the lovely bracelet in the first picture above, HMM?!?! If interested and you'd would like to see others, please let me know! We have many, many more available. They make excellent gifts!
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