I've been making progress in getting the animals and yard put to bed for the winter. Actually, we're 99% complete with just a few more smaller odds and ends to tidy up.
One of the biggest accomplishments, and the one with the most dire consequences for me if I failed, was "reorganizing" the garage to allow JoAnne to park her vehicle inside. Unfortunately, and as you can see, I will not be parking my vehicle inside this winter, nope! I basically relocated everything to my side of the garage. I'm hoping I won't be needing anything from the back corner. If so, I'm SOL! Too much "stuff" - I need a shed. Also, gonna need a good ice scraper and snow brush, alas...
You could solve your problem by THROWING it ALL out!!!!!!!!!
Ah, if it was that easy. You know the old saying, "a chip off the old block"? Well, just call me chip...
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