Check out this monster I came upon when visiting my mom at the cemetery!
This is a Northern Water Snake - quite common around here.
This dude was stretched out in the roadway, perhaps soaking in it's warmth, as it was early morning.
He made it perfectly clear that he didn't want to be bothered with - but who am I to listen. As I approached he coiled up, as like hey dude stay away, and as I got closer he began lunging and striking. Clearly, he didn't realize who he was dealing with. Actually, had I not driven by it's very possible that someone else would have simply driven right over him never realizing it was something live, so I saved his grumpy, slithering butt.
In the end his tactics didn't work and it was over quickly. He was captured and bucketed in short order. The only props you might give him is that, as snakes typically do, he pooped as soon as I got a hold of him and some hit it's mark, which smelled horrendous, YUK!
The 10-years old girls seemed to enjoy him safely locked in the bucket. You can see his cool underside colors in the top photo. In the end, I returned him to the little pond at the cemetery where I caught him and hopefully out of harms way and the safety of cars.
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