Friday, February 07, 2014

What's Wrong With This Photo?

So, I noticed these three ladies jogging down our street this morning - running essentially three abreast.  Just to bring you all up to speed, we just had a major snow storm on Wednesday which dumped approximately 10" - 15" of snow in our area - that's a lot of snow!  Although the streets have been plowed and down to pavement (on the higher traveled roads anyway), they're still awfully narrow.

I also realize that many of the joggers are preparing for the Boston Marathon, I get it.  However, at some point common sense needs to step in and make an appearance.  It's difficult and dangerous enough driving under these conditions, let alone now adding joggers to the mix of things to avoid.

The way things work today, God forbid a driver was to hit a jogger, they'd be facing all kinds of charges.  Yet the joggers who's judgement is suspect would be the victim.


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