Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Oh Deer Mr. Sedum

The Whitetail deer were visiting the other day.

There were three of them and I'm guessing a mother and her two babies from last year.  Nice to see they made it through the long, cold New England winter we just had.  Although, not quite sure how.  The younger ones ventured out onto the lawn; not the mother.  She stayed along the woodline and constantly on the look out.  Someone should tell her they're in Franklin, not the Serengeti.

As I've said in the past, they're welcome to come and visit as long as they stay in the neighbors yard.  You can see in the second picture below, one of the youngsters was snacking on the just-popping-through-the-soil Autumn Joy Sedum.  Ate it right to the ground before moving onto the next plant.  Just glad it was the neighbors plants and not ours.

Another problem that these Odocoileus virginianus bring with them are TICKS!  I've found several on me already this Spring.  The neighbors boy too. Little pest, potential big problems.

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