Monday, May 21, 2018

Would You Ever?!

Is this rude or is it just me?!

What's rude you ask?

Um, well, that's a table that women is resting her dirty sneakers on and NOT a hassock!!

That is a seating area just a few feet away from a coffee shop, that just so happens to also sell breakfast items, i.e. muffins, croissants, scones, etc.

The table she has her smelly feet on is the same table some poor, unsuspecting person is going to set their food on, or someone will rest their papers or laptop on.

Either she's clueless and misidentified the piece of furniture or she's a typical, rude and inconsiderate person that you see more and more of these days, and she's gonna do whatever she wants without a care for anyone else but herself.

It's a shame...

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