Sunday, December 23, 2018

Keep The Change You Filthy Animal!

Which style of rodent trap do you use and prefer - Victory or Catchmaster (Snapper)?

I've always used Victory traps and have had great success with them.  I thought I'd add something new to my arsenal, so last year I bought some Catchmaster traps.  Initially I was reluctant they'd work as good as the Victory but they've proven me wrong.  They work just as good and the Catchmaster is super easy to bait and set.  The disposal of rodents is effortless with you never needing to touch or get near the deceased.

I've always set traps in our pool house every fall, once the pool's been closed and lawn items packed and stored away for the winter, and I'm always catching rodents.  The little buggers do too much damage if let alone, with their droppings all over the place.

To date this fall, in about three months, I've caught and disposed of, (16) mice!  They keep coming. 


Two examples of success

A win for Victory -

A win for Catchmaster -


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