Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Green Hinge System - Outstanding!

I happened upon an overhead door performance system designed to help reduce energy costs when poking around on Amazon.  It's a spring-loaded garage door hinge system that allows automatic adjustment of the overhead door by a company called The Green Hinge System.  A 4-panel garage door, like ours, comes with (6) new 12 gauge powder coated steel hinges.  Simply replace the originals with these, it's that simple.

Before -

After -

Before: You can see the daylight running along the right side.  This of course is where the outside cold winter air was poring into the garage.  Once the new hinges were installed, BAM, no more daylight at all!!  Sealed up nice and tight -

Also, the new hinges help with the door rattling when windy and in general a smoother opening and closing.  Nice and snug!

There was an issue with my original order.  I sent the company an email on Saturday morning explaining the issue and received an immediate response from the owner - problem resolved.  Outstanding customer service!

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