Friday, June 14, 2019

A Long Internode That Forms The Basal Part or The Whole of a Peduncle

Oh boy oh boy, it's that time of year, garlic scape season, which means we're about a month out from harvesting our garlic!

A garlic scape is the thin, curly-q, vibrant green stalks that come into season late spring and early summer, see pic above.  If left unharvested, the scapes eventually bloom flowers when the garlic plant fully matures. However, the scapes are usually harvested before they flower so the garlic plant can channel all its energy into producing the most flavorful bulbs. The resulting scapes taste mild and sweet, like chives or scallions, but with a hit of unmistakable garlicky flavor that's softer than its bulbous counterpart.

I can't wait !

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