Tuesday, July 30, 2019

2019 Garlic Harvest!!

Planted 62 garlic cloves in November and harvested 62 BIG beautiful bulbs in July!  I've been lucky and have always had great success with garlic, and this year, as crazy as the weather has been, was no exception!

Hanging in the garage to dry before I process -  

Another hanging angle.  Ignore the mess -

So I did my own experiment with one garlic plant this year.  I left the garlic scape on a single plant, see below, and as predicted the bulb itself was smaller than the plants I cut the scapes off of.  I've read that by leaving the scapes in place to grow much more energy is pushed to this process.  On the flip side, when removed all the scape energy is then pushed into the bulb and making for a much bigger.  Seems I've proven out this theory...

A garlic scape-

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