Sunday, February 28, 2021

Flock Party

There's clearly an increased interest in raising chickens! Perhaps, due to covid and more people staying home or people wanting to have a better sense of where their food is coming from.  I'm not sure of the reason(s), of which I suspect there are many, however, with this new interest business like Tractor Supply Store (TSC) is taking advantage of and capitalizing on it.  They already have chicks in store available for purchase.

I've been raising chickens for over 50 years and only recently are chicken related supplies more readily available and to my displeasure they're coming in more and more feminine type offerings and colors.  Yeah yeah, I suspect my use of feminine here is inappropriate or offense to someone, but it's my opinion and my take on this hobby recently.  Mind you, I'm NOT saying this is a bad thing, rather a change I'm still getting used to is all.

For example, I was at TSC just yesterday and noticed this "Flock Party" display.  Not too long ago, it was difficult to find chicken raising supplies, with only a few feed stores carrying limited stock.  The items were typically galvanized or red.  Today, as you can see below, feeders and waters are now mass produced and made in a variety of colors, which I don't care for.

Again, it's interesting in the recent boom.  It's a great hobby that's fun and rewarding over and above just eggs.  However, I wonder how this new boom is going to be handled by towns and accepted by cranky miserable neighbors.  Hoping it doesn't cause more regulations and problems, which I suspect that is exactly what's to come.

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