Friday, September 10, 2021

Closed For The Season. See You Next Year!

Hurricane Ida missed us and was more of a tropical storm by the time it made it's way to our area.  However, we did get a ton of rain!  Local streams and rivers were overflowing and roaring.

Our pool was about as full as I've ever seen it!  The ideal level is really the second screw up from the bottom on the right side of the skimmer box.  You can see the skimmer is completely covered -

Since I had to drain some of the water anyway, I just decided to do so in the process of closing the pool for the season.  Here is the water level dropped to just below the return jets.  Need to lower to this level in order to blow the lines out of any water, so they don't freeze -

The finished product after two days of the closing process.  All closed up and ready for the long winter ahead.  Until next spring -

It bittersweet for sure having to close the pool, which means the season has come to an end, but always nice when this weekend long chore is done and behind me.

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