Monday, January 17, 2022

Happy Birthday Uncle Joe

As a general rule of mine, I don't typically post pictures of myself or of family or of friends.

Today, I am making an exception and it's with a heavy heart that I do.

This is a late 70's, early 80's throwback picture of me and my Uncle Joe in Tennessee.  I have SO many great memories of my uncle, of time spent just he and I, as well as time spent with our families.  Whether out fishing, gigging frogs, driving back roads off the beaten path, finding good eats or just tagging along when he had errands or side jobs, I was always my happiest.  I wish I could go back in time and relive some of these adventures.

Sadly, Uncle Joe passed August 4, 2021, a very sad day.  My uncle remains and lives in my thoughts and memories and they always bring a smile to my face and pull me out of my funk.

It's his birthday today and I want to wish him a BIG happy birthday!

I miss you Uncle Joe...

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