Thursday, March 31, 2022

Spoiled Brats!

Took this picture the other afternoon.  It's a picture of the ballfield at the elementary school just down the street.  As you can see in the pic the area is littered with trash, which sadly is more common than you'd think or like to see.

I don't know what the problem is and why people are so bloody lazy these days.  I'm not sure if the kids are to blame, there parents or both but it is a shame anyway you slice it.

 You can see off to the far right in the pic there is a trash can.  Perhaps, too far away for these spoiled brats?  Where are the parents and why are they not teaching these kids about respect and common curtsey?  I can visualize it, where a parent pulls up in their SUV, the kids jump out for their lesson\game and all the while the parent is sitting in their running vehicle and scrolling through social media total consumed with it and themselves and oblivious to their kids.

I've seen coolers, folding chairs, backpacks, duffle bags, balls, bats, gloves, hats, sweatshirts, water bottles and on and on and on all left behind.  All left behind for someone or others to pick up and clean up.

At the end of the day, PEOPLE SUCK!

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