Saturday, December 31, 2022

It's 2023 Yo!

Wishing all my family and friends a blessed 2023!


I'll Take It!

Here's my 2022 walking totals for the year.

Honestly, I thought I did better but happy none the less.

The 259 days were at least 2-miles each day!

BIG difference in how I feel, how I sleep and how I look. I've lost weight and inches.

Thursday, December 29, 2022


What happened to people?  Why can't they drive?!

Here's just one example - why do some drivers insist on taking left turns from the right lane?!


Unbelievably Stunning!

The sky off my back deck was on fire last night!

These pics just do it justice but trust me when I tell you it was VERY impressive!

I'm fortunate to have these wonderful displays in my backyard.



It's only still December and a long way till gardening season but fear not, nothing some fresh cut flowers can't address in the meantime...

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Sure Is True...

 As we get older the Christmas lists get shorter.

The memories are better than the reality.

The things we long for can't be put under a tree.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Lincoln Street Roadkill Cafe

During my walk this morning I came across this hawk on the side of the road, just off the sidewalk.  He was taking advantage of and eating a roadkill opossum.  The opossum had been hit several days earlier and this dude smart enough to find it, which was now just off the road, and was filling his belly.

I will say it was VERY cool! I stood there watching him for close to 15-minutes and he didn't seem bothered one bit.

Click this link to see a 1-minute video I took of him eating.  It was too big to upload here, so I had to upload it to YouTube - 


This didn't take too long, less than a week...

Wednesday, December 14, 2022



Cold Paws

First snowfall of this fall\winter!

Maybe a couple inches here in Franklin.

Trixie, with her fresh haircut, couldn't get back inside fast enough.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

New To Me!

Bought myself a new motorcycle, well new to me!

A 2003 Harley Davidson Sportster Anniversary Edition -

Joins my 1985 Yamaha Maxim -

A couple of good looking bikes, if I do say so myself -

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Nerve!

Somebody's Watching Me!

And this is what I typically wake up to each morning!

 Ms. Trixie sitting on the foot of my bed and staring at me.  Patiently wanting me to get up.  Honestly, who can sleep under these conditions?  She guilts me up...

Reminds me of a 1984 song by Rockwell - 

80s Homemade Nativity Set

So, I finally pulled out, unwrapped, inventoried and washed the nativity set that my mother made at ceramic back in the mid 80s.  They've been in a cardboard box tucked away in the corner of my garage for many many years now; it was time and long overdue.

It was perfect timing and I now have them on display for the upcoming holidays.

Updated pic on 12-14 with a new Christmas colored table cloth -

Does anyone of my Tennessee relation recognize this beautiful angel from the early 70s?!?!

Here's a hint - 

I have this lovely lady sitting on my mantel, where she'll be staying all year long.

Unless one of my Tennessee cousins wants to come up for a visit and take her home with them...

Monday, December 05, 2022




They keep coming, UGH! Well, not these two, just mice in general.

I've trapped approximately a dozen or more mice over the last 2-2.5 months, no lie.

I set these Victory traps all fall and winter long in my pool shed for just this reason.  These dudes might be cute, well again not these two hehehe, but the damage they can do if left unchecked is surprising and destructive, so I don't take a chance.

Let There Be (LED) Lights!

Another DIY project completed.

I replaced the kitchen ceiling fan and light with a new LED dimmable light fixture. This light matches the one I replaced on the other side of the kitchen a couple months ago.  Some fresh paint and it looks terrific and SO much brighter too!

I can now see what I've been eating and it seems I need to do a better job eating my vegetables!

Early Morning Walks Are The Bestest!

Early morning walks are my favorites!

Getting out before the hustle and bustle starts, and while things are calm and peaceful, is very relaxing.

If you pay attention and listen - for those that do it, put your darn phone away, you can see a lot!

Wildlife for instance is often out and about, like me, before all the knuckleheads ruin it.

A trio of female turkeys minding their own business and in no hurry -

A grey heron, a camera shy grey heron at that, flying off.  He didn't waste anytime taking flight as soon as I stopped to try and get a pic -

Two pair of Mallards taking a chilly swim -

A darn doe deer.  The others were nearby but this was the best pic I could get -

Saturday, December 03, 2022

It Sure Is! No Doubts!

The Lord works in mysterious way, believe!



How To Plaster 101

Finally had the upstairs bathroom shower leak fixed, so no more drippy drippy through the ceiling of the kitchen bathroom beneath.

Below is my expert patch job (*kudos to my brother on the sheetrock patch) AND expert plaster patching!

Pfft, no one can say I'm not talented after this masterpiece...

We'll see how it looks when I get the entire ceiling painted with a fresh coat of paint, but much betta!

Bargain Succulents

Trixie and Oliver both approve of my Lowe's bargain find.

It was marked down so low I just couldn't refuse.

I've since separated the plants into three individual pots, and so far so good, they seems to be doing just fine.

The good news too is that Oliver hasn't bothered with them.  He's notorious for chewing and eating on my plants, such a bad boy.

Wonderful Memories On Display

I finally hung these pictures up, long overdue!

An acquaintance of my fathers was in possession of these. Apparently, he asked her to hold onto them when he moved out of his house.  Thanks to my brother for reaching out to her and asking for these, as well as some other items, to be returned. They've been stored in my basement for a couple years now and it was time to pull them out and get them up. 

I think they look great!

They sure do bring back some fond memories!

Bathroom Remodel

So this happened, a little bathroom DIY project!

It was time, maybe even overdue for an update.

I never cared for the color, so that motivated me to repaint the whole room, two coats, which in turn rolled into the additional updates.

Installed a new vanity over the commode, a new mirror over the sink, a pair of floating shelves and hung a new picture.

I am very pleased with the updates and how it all came out.

Phase II will be to repaint the ceiling with a fresh coat of white paint and install a pedestal sink, with a new floor coming soon too!