Thursday, May 30, 2024


It's that time of year when the I battle with the critters that look to get into my gardens.

The deer, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks do the most damage and have more of a hanker'n for my veggie plants and veggies.  

I installed a temporary fence around my raised beds to keep the deer out but for the smaller critters I use live catch traps, which I pulled out this past weekend and set them out.

My first capture, just yesterday, was this beauty, a female opossum.  The picture doesn't show them but she had several babies clinging to her belly!  As you can see she was a bit agitated, so I didn't want to bother her too much.  I opened the gate and left her alone to back out and move along, when she felt comfortable.  Most other critters dart out as soon as the door is opened, not opossums.  

I will reset the trap and battle on...

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