Sunday, September 09, 2007

Coyote Tracks

I went to visit my farmer friend Tim yesterday to lend a hand with a few things - more on that later in another post.

He's had an issue with coyotes for years now killing his animals from the small ones like chickens and geese to the larger ones like goats. This year, again, is no different. Since they're allusive animals it's hard to know just how many there are. Occasionally you'll catch a glimpse of one and as a matter of fact the last time we were down visiting one crossed the driveway in front of us as we were making our way to one of the animal pens and it was a good sizes one too.

Even though you rarely see them they can be heard at time howling off in the distance and the above picture is proof that they're still around and doing just fine. I took this pictures just outside of one of the animal pens in the dusty driveway (we need rain).

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