This little guy decided to come for a Labor Day visit. At least I think it was a 'he'. He was surprisingly bold or perhaps it was curiosity but Emilie and I were able to get awfully close to him. He couldn't have been more then 20 feet from us. We tried to coax him closer but his instincts were too strong and he kept his distance.

In the first pictures he's standing right beside one of our raised strawberry beds. They don't look like much now with the lack of rain fall but come to think of it they never really recovered from the 'trimming' a deer(s) did earlier in the summer.
There was a second deer hiding in the trees and bushes not too far from this dude. Not sure if this other one was simply too shy or too preoccupied but stayed hidden regardless. I'm guessing they're litter mates and prolly off on their own as I didn't see or hear any others.
They sure are beautiful up close so we didn't chase them off which is really what I should have done. I certainly don't want to encourage them to come and eat our plants but they're welcome to visit once in a while. Good thing we have our new Guinea Hens a grow'n, as I'm sure these visiting deer will be bringing ticks with them too and they are NOT welcome for sure.
See previous postings titled: "Oh Deer" and "Oh Deer II"
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